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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Head Massage

Before going to start head massage, let me tell you, what are the precautions we have to follow before or during and after oil massage.

Before starting :
Make sure that your hair is dried and there is no dust at all. If you apply oil on watery or dusty hair, it may lead to dandruff and scalps.
Oil :
Use better quality oil like navaratna oil, parachute oil or tilsona oil and castor oil (amudam oil). i prefer castor oil as it is very much helpful to brain as hinted and cited in ayurveda.

Process :
Ask the person to sit in a chair, he should be straight and comfortable. Now take some oil like 5-6 drops , pour it on the person's head, press gently with palms for 10-20 seconds. Now spread oil throughout the head, rub it gently. Now total oil is disappeared. Take some more oil into your hands,spread it in your hands , apply where traces of oil are not found.Do same process for three to four times until entire oil dries up. It is clearly explained in demonstration video.

Coming to eyebrows, start from middle of the forehead, drag your fingers towards the ends of the forehead gently, you can also press eyeballs, with utmost care. other wise skip eyeballs. Now it's time for neck, starting from middle of the fore head , drag your fingers to back side of the head, and there after to shoulders. Now press the neck and shoulders smoothly. This process will give, great relief from headache or any tensions.

Caution :
While pressing on forehead, do not use much force especially towards the sides of the forehead, as it is connected with nerves of eyes and brain.
After massage :
wait for atleast half an hour, so that all the oil sinks into the head and it will give you maximum benefits.

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